Winnett ACES Membership

The Winnett ACES Board of Directors voted, October 23rd, 2019, to establish a membership program. Membership dues will help support the Winnett ACES mission and vision. These membership dues will contribute to public educational programs and/or public information sharing of the Winnett ACES Mission and Vision. 

Our Mission: Strengthening our community by sustaining the health of our land, economy, and traditions for future generations. 

Our Vision: Provide opportunities for local residents that benefit agriculture, conservation, and the community, while educating the larger public and helping future generations succeed in Agriculture. 

Membership dues are $25 per individual, paid annually, due January 1st each year. You will receive a letter of acceptance and a member number. 

As a member of the Winnett ACES, you are supporting our Mission to strengthen our community by sustaining the health of our land, economy, and traditions for future generations. You will have the privilege of being a voting member to help steer the organization in a positive direction during our annual member meetings. Membership must be established 30 days before you are eligible to vote. Please join us to learn more about Winnett ACES. 

2 Ways to Become a Member of Winnett ACES

1) Online

Fill out your application online and pay with PayPal or your credit card.

2) Print and mail

Print a hard copy, fill it out and mail it with a check made out to Winnett ACES.

As you have received no gifts or services in response to your individual contribution for membership to the Winnett ACES, your contribution is fully tax deductible (Tax ID #84- 2797938), as allowed by law.