The Winnett ACES is a grassroots-led 501(c)3 non-profit organization addressing rural vitality issues that affect agricultural communities in central Montana. The ACES began as a group of Winnett area producers joining together to address the most important issues facing their community.  These issues are not unique to central Montana: decreasing population, housing, childcare, business opportunities, access to health care, aging population, and struggle to engage with absentee landowners. Instead of resigning themselves to a bleak future where these problems persist, Winnett ACES chose to remedy these problems.   

The group began exploring proactive, positive solutions to address strengthening the existing community through education, outreach, conservation, and civic projects.  The core of ACES projects revolve around informing a wider audience about how beef is produced and how ranchers in central Montana steward their grasslands while also working to benefit the local community through workshops, access to business opportunities, and facilitating community building. These projects are wide-ranging and include:

  • Beef in the Schools: Local producers donate beef to the school.

  • Agriculture Education: Workshops and trainings for producers on business and land management decisions.

  • Agriculture Education for the Public: Education and outreach for the broader public about how beef cattle are raised through tours, speaking, and hosting college classes.

  • Wildlife Working Group: Addressing how to achieve a healthy elk population.

  • Revitalization through Historic Buildings: Working to restore and recognize community heritage.

  • Grassbank: Establish a ranch property that functions as a grassbank offering grazing opportunities for young producers and others.

  • Conservation Incentives: ACES assists in funding conservation practices, such as reseeding cropland to grassland, improving water infrastructure and wildlife-friendly fencing for improved grazing management.

The core members of the Winnett ACES share a passion for their community and for making the community resilient to what the future might bring.  Members are an even mix of male and female, most are agricultural producers.  Members range in age and some belong to generational families, while others are new to the Winnett area.

Winnett ACES members are considered thought leaders and active members of the community. ACES members are engaged community members who volunteer thousands of hours collectively each year to various boards, committees, and civic positions.